Tag Archives: Dietary

Conversations Live With Vicki St. Clair

Today we discuss how it’s not just food that you need to be aware of, but also why, how, and with whom you eat it. We explore the seven root causes of overeating, and share some of the proven nutrition concepts Deborah discovered in other countries.

Hinton Magazine’s interview

As a society, we have systematically moved away from the time-tested, integrative modes of eating and living that kept us slimmer and healthier for centuries. The way we ate and lived for thousands of years worked. The “new normal,” the way we’ve been eating and living for the past few decades, doesn’t. Today, our Whole Person Integrative Eating ® program is the first integrative, “whole person,” scientifically sound dietary lifestyle with the well-researched message that it is possible to overcome overeating, overweight, and obesity by replacing your overeating styles with “whole person” nourishment.